Fr. 20.03.: The Montesas im T-Keller
von am 15. März 2009 veröffentlicht in Konzert, Theaterkeller, Tipp!

HullyGully-Beat Band aus Nachbarstadt Kassel bittet zum Tanz, komplett mit weißen Hemden + Krawatte:

„well, some call it rockabilly, some call it beat, some say, this is also soul or surf – but the best way to circumscribe it is maybe FRATROCK or just HULLY GULLY. you’re looking for a good time? you wanna do the shimmy? you wanna drink the bottle up and shout? you wanna go ape? you know that distorted guitars suck? then catch us at the next concert near you…“

The Montesas, im T-Keller.

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